2018 DDCSP Poster Symposium – Cindy Nguyen
The State of Racial Diversity in Federal Land Management Agencies and Implications for Tribal Co-Management. Cindy Nguyen.
A couple different projects that aim to capture the value of the DDCSP@NAU experience and approach.
First Year Summer Immersion Curious what the Summer Immersion looks and feels like?
Second Summer Internship An 8-week internship with nationwide placement potential.
Winter Retreats Reuniting with the active cohort family each January, the Winter Retreat serves to deepen bonds, and continue learning.
The State of Racial Diversity in Federal Land Management Agencies and Implications for Tribal Co-Management. Cindy Nguyen.
Dr. Angie Moline – Principal Investigator & Founder of Moline Creative
Dr. Clare Aslan – Associate Director of the Landscape Conservation Initiative
The Program is made possible in part thanks to the generous support of our three grant partners
Cari Kimball – Senior Program Coordinator for the Landscape Conservation Initiative