Second Summer Internship

Second Summer Internship

An 8-week internship with nationwide placement potential. 

Our Program model and networks give us the flexibility to develop internships anywhere in the country based on scholar interest.

(Scroll to the bottom to see a sampling of scholar created videos from their internships)

Policy and communication work in Washington D.C.? Done it! 

Field research in British Columbia and Hawaii?  Done that, (twice)!! 

Working on local food systems and food justice in Alaska?  Been there! 

Computer modeling of marine environments in California?  You get the idea…

During the summer of 2017, every Scholar from the second cohort created a video during their internship to refine their storytelling and public communication skills. Click on the videos below to see a sampling of the videos developed.
Naomi Primero - NPCA
Stephanie Melara - UConn
Camila Cortina - Pollinators in Hawaii

Naomi Primero - NPCA

Stephanie Melara - UConn

Camila Cortina - Pollinators in Hawaii