2018 – Stephanie Aura Salas

Stephanie “Aura” Salas

1) I ‘m especially excited about this program because I resonate strongly with the goals and values of DDCSP. I feel that in order for conservation efforts to be more effective, voices from different backgrounds must be heard. I really appreciate that through DDCSP, scholars such as myself who didn’t get to experience the outdoors growing up will be able to get first-hand experience in learning what it is to pursue an environmentalist career path. By being given the resources that we would otherwise find it stressful to obtain, we are able to compensate for any missed opportunities.

2) I aim to contribute to the conservation movement through chemical research. After majoring in Environmental Sciences and minoring in Chemistry for my undergrad, I plan to pursue a doctorate degree in Physical/Green Chemistry to study carbon capture and sequestration. Aiming to slow down climate change on a molecular level fascinates me and is something I’d love to dedicate my life to.