2018 – Marinelle Villanueva

Marinelle Villanueva

See also: Marinelle’s Story of Self, Us, Now Project

Marinelle also developed a video after her summer immersion as a gift of appreciation to her cohort. Check it out to see what the first summer looks and feels like.

1) I developed my passion for sustainability when I founded a club- Green Wave- on her high school campus and hometown that led her to become an Environmental Studies major with a focus on Earth Science at UCSD. I am captivated most by sustainable environments, food sustainability, renewable energy in the hopes of creating solutions for both urban and underprivileged communities.

2) As a UCSD Sustainability Ambassador, I have worked closely with the UCSD Carbon Neutrality Initiative to study environmental engineering programs and raise campus awareness on the impact, positive and negative, that the individual has to the changing environment. I hope that this program opens more doors for the sustainable world for me to experience and find my global niche wherein I can be service for the greater good of the world.